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We are a Czech and Slovak agency that has operated in the research sector since 2002. We strive to be the best in our field and to be innovate. our aim is to provide our clients with the highest quality services possible.

We started with Mystery Shopping and helped to introduce this term on the Czech market. We currently conduct more than 35,000 Mystery Shopping visits a year, using modern applications to collect data and report results. Later, we extended our services with competitor monitoring and developed special web applications for specific industries. in recent years, our portfolio has further expanded to include the measurement of customer experience. for this, we have developed the feedTRACK platform, which is now used in more than 10 countries.

As a team, we focus on the needs of our clients. We are enthusiastic about our approaches and love to implement and incorporate new marketing technologies into our services – a driving force behind our foundation a few years ago of Future Rockstars, a company that develops mobile and web applications. We operate directly on the Czech and Slovak markets through our branches, and in many countries worldwide through our partner network.

Martin Hrehovčik photo
Mgr. Martin Hrehovčík
Founder and Acting Secretary

About Us


Exploit our long-term experience. We can advise you on how to proceed.


Industry Specialisation
In us, you have a partner who understands your industry.


Applying our modern technologies increases the speed and quality of outputs and enables savings.


We are happy to provide you with references and contacts for projects we have completed.

2000  +
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70 employees in the Czech Republic

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30 employees in the Slovak Republic

Revenues in CZK


We work in teams according to specialization and market

Market Vision s.r.o.

Václav Šojdel photo

Václav Šojdel

country manager

At Market Vision, we are technology and innovation leaders in Mystery Shopping and CX in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Market Vision Slovakia s.r.o.

Mária Melichová photo

Mária Melichová

country manager

We are defined by an open mind, expertise and a human approach in relation to your tasks and needs.

Future Rockstars s.r.o.

Jaroslav Suchý photo

Jaroslav Suchý


Our team of developers enables us to respond flexibly to your needs when developing our digital products.

We can realise projects for you anywhere in the world.

Through our long-term partnerships and memberships in alliances, we are able to configure and realise projects almost anywhere in the world. We have long-term experience in projects abroad, and we are able to choose a suitable partner for a specific project type. We are currently running projects in 15+ countries.

MSPA Elite Membership

We have been a member of the most prestigious Mystery Shopping association since 2005. Today, we are the only agency in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with Elite Member status.

Global CX Experts

Our membership in Global CX Experts enables us to have long-term knowledge-sharing partnerships with other agencies around the world and to undertake successful multinational projects.


Since 1947, ESOMAR's main goal has been to support the observance of ethical and professional standards in the field of market research. It organizes various events for professionals where best practices and innovations in surveying are shared.

Services Based on the Latest Technologies

We follow the latest trends and apply technological innovations to our projects and processes.

Mystery Shopping

We provide info and recommendations on how to improve your customer service and sales.

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Jana Klusáčková

account director

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Customer Experience

We help you strengthen your relations with customers and increase their loyalty.

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Eliška Vopeláková

project manager CX

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Competitive Intelligence

We track your competitors and enable you to respond more quickly to changes on the market.

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Martin Snížek

account director & data protection

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Sales Network Auditing

We offer independent auditing of the entire sales and service networks.

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Aleš Holakovský

senior consultant – PR

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Business Intelligence

We provide current information from various data sources via an interactive platform.

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Nikola Trnková

intelligence officer

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Market Research

Verified, reliable and targeted research solutions for your every challenge.

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Daniela Kučerová

project manager

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What We Support

As a company, we try to support projects and organizations that are close to our hearts.

VŠE v Praze
University of Economics

For the third consecutive year, our colleagues Daniela Matyášová and Michal Skalický have taken part in the 'Rozvoj a inovace finančních produktů' conference, subtitled 'Možnosti a meze digitalizace v bankovnictví', organised by the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the University of Economics, Prague, under the auspices of Governor of Czech National Bank Jiří Rusnok.

Paraple logo
Gymnázium Elišky Krásnohorské

We cooperate with Gymnázium Elišky Krásnohorské. Senior-year students become acquainted with the company’s operations and try to prepare their own business plans. the best students leave with one of a number of interesting prizes. We are happy we can inspire them.

GYM logo
Paraple Centrum

In autumn 2018, we decided to support non-profit organisation Centrum Paraple, which helps disabled people with spinal-cord injuries. We organised our first event in October, marking the start of our cooperation. Why not send Centrum Paraple a direct message of support?

Sbírka pro Karolínku a Rozárku logo
Fundraiser for Karolínka and Rozárka

Karolínka and Rozárka were born in the 29th week of pregnancy. a few days after their birth, they suffered serious bleeding in their brains. They now need special care that is not financed from national health insurance. We support the little girls and their mother, who is our employee – not only financially, but also through many other activities.

We are the main partner of 

the Market Vision Rally Team,

We are the main partner of the Market Vision Rally Team, which has participated in the Czech Rally Championship and some international competitions for a number of years. the crew has achieved many successes, such as winning the Class 10 category in the prestigious Barum Czech Rally Zlín and Rally Pačejov or placing third in the 2WD classification at the International Jänner Rallye.


Over 200 clients 2000+ realised projects.

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Contact us!

Do you have any questions? Would you like to conduct a project with us?
We are happy to help you.

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Baarova 1405/3a
140 00  Praha 4 - Michle

+420 224 255 950